Springfield City Council Unanimously Passes Strongest Anti-Foreclosure Legislation in the Country

On Monday August 22nd, after months of organizing by residents facing foreclosure with the No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude Coalition, the Springfield city council unanimously approved the strongest anti-foreclosure legislation in the country. See the Press Release & the actual ordinances for more information:

PR.Aug22 – City Ordinance – Securing & Maintaining vacant/foreclosed properties

City Ordinance Mandatory Mediation-FINAL

You can see photos and videos at the AFSC website HERE

About SNOL

Springfield No One Leaves is a member-led community organization dedicated to organizing families most affected by the economic & foreclosure crisis. We organize against displacement and eviction and to defend our homes and our communities. Springfield Nadie Se Mude es una organización comunitaria dirigida por nuestros miembros y dedicada a organizar residentes más afectados por la crisis económica y de ejecuciones hipotecarias. Organizamos contra desplazamiento y desalojo y para defender nuestros hogares y nuestras comunidades.
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